So last Saturday, my plumber and my tile-man had it out.
Right there.
In my new marble bathroom.
I have never seen grown men argue like that - with their faces about 6 inches apart and their voices raised to a notch right below the “screaming your head off” level.
It basically came down to my tile-man being impatient and moving the shower plumbing that my plumber had constructed even though I told him to wait and that the plumber would be there to handle it first thing Saturday morning.
So when I show up Saturday, my plumber was fuming. And you have to understand, this is a very soft-spoken, patient guy. But that morning he had lost both of those qualities and was ready to rip the tile-man’s head off. He then proceeded to tell him exactly what he thought of him and his work.
And if it’s one thing I’ve learned, you don’t touch or talk about (unless your praising it) these guys’ work (or their tools). And…that you’ve got to manage the all the different egos involved….oh the drama in construction – who knew?!?
So here was the shower before the tile-man touched the plumbing:
And here’s where it is today:
Gorgeous, no?
Now, as long as we don't have anymore knock-down, drag-out fights, we should be able to move in next month! Can't wait to see the finished product!