Today marks exactly three months since we began our renovation and I'm still not sure when we'll be able to move in. Stupid small stuff is holding us up (like no working bathroom sinks or showers) and it is more annoying than having to replace rotten joists under the house.

The house before we started
We began on September 15th, the day after we moved back to New Orleans. And when I think back to all the crazy things we had to do toward the beginning, I almost can't believe it. I guess it’s just like child labor, you just forget how bad it was (or at least that's what I hear).
I mean the house hadn’t been lived in for at least three years. We started with pulling out weeds and bushes ALL around/on the house, then tearing out a rotten, wooden deck, to ripping up floors only to find more rotten wood, to knocking down a chimney to moving a door frame. And did I mention the attic was full of junk we had to dispose of?
There have been so many (at least more than 10) dump runs that I have lost count. And don’t even get me started on the HUGE and insanely heavy hot tub that took six of us to try to roll it out of the backyard on it’s side – like Egyptians moving pyramid slabs… no lie.

The house to-date
Well the upside is I’ve lost a good bit of weight…just kidding. No the wonderful part is that it’s just amazing that I am getting to live a dream of mine at such a young age. I’ve always wanted to update a shotgun double of my own and I have been given that opportunity.
Now hopefully we’ll get to live in it soon!